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Photo credit: Marko Markovic

“Like pussy hair that only grows stronger as we mow!” (2020)

// Pussy hair, found frame, recycled underwear, elastic string, porcelain dish.


Pussy hair is generally considered disgusting, not clean, and unorganized, and there are different popular methods used by females to remove them or keep them “in shape,” often due to the pressure of the male gaze on the female body.


Little did we know, hair only grows stronger as we shave…


The growth and following entanglement of hairs, which is uncontrollable by nature only become more rigorous as the attempt to keep them in order continues.


I found positive feminist inspiration in the strength of pussy hair.

“Like pussy hair that only grows stronger as we mow!”

aims to present the power of pussy hair, which can easily grow through the fabric.


The garment used for the work is cut from sexy underwear I own. The hairs are shown on a small frame that is mostly used to present portraits, and the frame is mounted on a dish that is upside-down.


As suggested in the title, it is important to note that it is we who mow/ shave, not them. The intentionality and non-intentionality coexist within us, and we are not only fighting against those who oppress us, but often ourselves as we navigate spaces that are still driven and influenced by patriarchal structures.

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